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Festival de Marseille

Workshop with Colette Sadler

Body Building, from prototype to archetype


The multi-disciplinary choreographer and artist invites you to explore her unique choreographic language around the concept of “body building” in her latest creations. By amplifying the transformative power of the human body through hybridisation and multiplicity, the workshop will explore how the concept investigates the frontiers between human and non-human, real and virtual, past and future.

For professional and semi-professional dancers

Practical information

For professional and semi-professional dancers

+ info and registration : 04 91 99 00 28 or

Where ?
Dans les Parages La Zouze

Pôle Média Belle de Mai

37, rue Guibal, 3e

Métro - 1 arrêt Cinq Avenues Longchamp

Tram - 2 arrêt Longchamp

Bus - 49 arrêt Belle de Mai, 56 arrêt Pôle Média

Bus de nuit - 582 arrêt Belle de Mai la Friche

Vélo - station Friche Belle de Mai

Parking - Le Champ de Mai


open to all, with registration

Edition 2024 workshops

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